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Many smiles a day keep the wrinkles away!:D

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

i just came back from malaysia yesterday.. luckily my uncle fetched us otherwise we got to take a 4hr journey back home ourselves...

DAY1: my mum, sis and i met my malaysia-bound cousin at kranji station to take a bus to malaysia.. the bus was 170 and it took like uberLONG to come.. plus the queue for the bus was so FREAKIN long.. we finally got onto the bus after 3 buses and reached the singapore causeway.. after clearing the customs we had to queue AGAIN to take 170 AGAIN to the malaysia custom.. wahlao the queue was so fat and long we didnt noe at first which queue belonged to 170.. then ppl keep cutting queue.. they line up at the 160 queue next to 170's and when ppl at the 170 queue move they take the opportunity to cut in then pretend nothing happened.. irritating. anyway, it was after 5 buses came and went that we finally boarded our bus.. once on board a china kid kept wailing and crying so loud and the mother dun even noe how to calm that kid down.. it was so irritating lah. arrgh:X cleared the customs and went to take 170 AGAIN to malaysia's local bus interchanged that operate like a wet market.. there were so many uncles calling stuff like "KOTA TINGGI!! KOTA TINGII!!" OR "TO SONGAPORE!! TO SINGAPORE!!" we waited really long for our bus.. the journey to my aunt's place was about one hr(!!) so we finally reached there at around like 2+. my cousins came later then in the evening we all went to Tropical Garden Restaurant to eat reunion dinner. the food was super nice!! one of my cousins drank beer and got slightly tipsy.. his face was super red.. haha.. after dinner my uncle brought my cousins, my sister and i to a karaoke(is this how u spell it?) place to sing songs.. i drank a few glasses of carlsberg and got very lightheaded.. but i dun think i was drunk yet.. the beer was super bitter at first and i gagged on my first mouthful.. i didnt even noe it was slightly carbonated.. haha silly me... oh well.. we sang lots of classics, fish leong and FIR... i was out of tune most of the time when it was my turn cos of the beer.. heh heh.. it was so funny we all cracked up..:) we went back at about 1am like that and i fell asleep like instantly.. must be the beer...:)

DAY2:we didnt do much.. mostly lazing around and watching tv.. the adults went to Giant to buy stuff so my cousins and i stayed behind.. we invented this stupid game adapted from badminton and spent most of our time laughing like crazy cos my younger cousin was so funny in the game.. we watched black sheep in the evening and i was so totally grossed out.. the bloody(literally) sheep were tearing out ppl's innards and arms and legs.. so gross..*shudders* no wonder my cousin zhang jingwei said he lost his appetite after watching it.. i totally agree, though i didnt lose mine cos my grandma and aunt's cooking were simply superb.. then after dinner we all went to play firecrackers outside the house. it wasnt as fun as last year cos my uncles all didnt come.. last year it was totally crazy because after playing for awhile my uncles got bored and started doing silly things like tying 2 rockets together and lighting them, causing a humongous explosion in the sky and scaring the hell out of everyone.. yeah it wasnt as fun this years cos there was only 3 of us... sighs.. we got bored so we finally stopped after half an hr.. the firecrackers werent cooperating with me anyway.. i spent like 5 minutes trying to light a puny bomb.. i gave up finally and let my cousin do it for me.. so, tired and defeated, i retired back to the house and watched rush hour 2 and romeo must die before plonking down on my mattress, thinking of laoii until i fall asleep.

DAY3:it's the first day of CNY so in the morning all we lil' kids went to bai nian and receive angbaos!! watched tv and ate and ate those delicious goodies until it was time to say goodbye and leave.. my uncle was so nice to fetch us back even though it was a little cramped in the backseat which we shared with our two other cousins.. so we reached home pretty fast..

sighs.. after CNY this year my life may be changed forever.. and its not a good thing.. i dun even wanna think about it...

writtern @7:09 PM

Friday, January 23, 2009


yeah, i went to the zoo with laoii yesterday!! haha it was like the first time in years since i've been there... met laoii in the morning then went to LJS for breakfast and brunch. then we took 927 to the zoo.. the bus took SUUUUPER long to come... :X

when we reached the zoo it was quite quiet.. there werent many ppl there.. laoii was super surprised cos the zoo had been revamped.. he was like,"last time KFC was here at the entrance one... now shift there already.."(: haha anyway we were about to get our tickets when there was this really really nice and generous couple who let us use their complimentary zoo pass!!! so we saved like around $36 like that... after consulting the map of the zoo(the zoo's humongous!!), we were on our way!!! there were so many animals on display there, the cutest of which i feel is the Asian otters..*squeals!!* they're SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO cute!!! some were swimming in their pool and others were just basking in the sun... they're so cuddle-licious!! sighs.. i want!!!:) haha yah the weather was super hot.. we walked the whole zoo and watched the 3 animal shows.. we fed the giraffes too!! omg until then i totally didnt noe that giraffes had humongous heads... all along i thought that their heads are normal sized or sth like that but NOOO!! it was HUGE!! haha and their tongues are uber long also... it was so scary feeding them..

stuff sold at the zoo is so super expensive.. one bottle of 500ml 100plus or coke costs like $3!!! and their brewed ice-lemon tea(at their Ah Meng Restaurant) is like $3.50... ouch... haha.. and their souvenirs are so cute also.. there was this super cute cap that i wanted to buy but it was so expensive.. laoii wanted to buy for me but i decided not to get it cos i think i wear one time only then i wont wear anymore.. sort of waste of money if i buy, actually.. haha so after a LOOOONG time deciding between a plush otter, penguin and a giraffe keychain i decided to get the keychain.. can hang mah.. haha and its super cute also.. yeah we left at abt close to five so we can both get home on time.. laoii insisted on sending me home even though he was late alr.. which was so super sweet of him!!! haha thanks laoii!!:)

it was FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN!!! thanks so much laoii!!! *MUAAA* heh heh *grins*:)

writtern @4:12 PM

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

i was flipping through all the nanhua year books from 2005-2008 and i realised how much everyone has grown.. 4 years is a loooooooooooong time... haha.. i remember:

On the first day of school, mdm poon was doing roll call in the class and when she was done i realised that my name wasnt called.. i went back to see the noticeboard and realised i landed in the wrong class!! i went into 105 instead of 106.. haha.. went to my correct class and because i came late there were no seats for me.. so ms betty ong asked laoii then, 'Would you be a gentleman and help her take a chair from next door?' haha.. i never thought we would have ended up together.. its funny how things work out..:) my first friend in nanhua was junqi, when i asked to borrow her stapler.. and i got to know my best friends kelly, jingru and mop too.. sec1 was so fun.. we were so carefree and happy.. haha..

NDP and LAOII!!!:)

got my subject comb and had a new class.. it was a class of only 6 guys! hahha.. and we often get scolded by teachers because we were one of the few under-performing classes.. i am so grateful to Ms Sathi for never giving up on us.. and to Ms Wong KS for helping our class in our maths.. it was thanks to Ms Wong that my double maths jumped 4 grades since the beginning of sec4.. and also to Ling Rong Chan laoshi, Zheng Mian laoshi, Ms Serene Lew, Mr A.Yeo, Ms Chng, Ms Wassan and Ms Rani too for the tremendous effort they put in to teach our class... :)

and not forgetting NanHua Student Council too for the joy and fun we all had together... i LOVED the OCs especially.. haha.. THANKS, YOU GUYS!!!:)

i cant believe 4 years have passed already.. now im gonna go into a new school and start all over again.. on the down side, kelly and jingru arent gonna be in the same school as me!!!:(*sobbs* but on the up side, there is a high possibility that LAOGONG is going with me, so YAY!!! haha:)

i decided to be like laoii and leave nanhua with no enemies made... as the SO-CLICHE saying goes, forgive and forget, so i have forgiven and let go of whatever grudges i had towards certain few ppl.. hopefully it lasts... haha..

i can't wait to start school again!!!:)

writtern @5:55 PM

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

went to Bugis yesterday with kelly and jingru to eat Seoul Garden!! when we reached the restaurant there were like 30 or 40 kids from I think China here to visit singapore.. it was so noisy lah and we had to wait for a long time before we can go get our food cos there were so many ppl there... i actually wanted to eat fish but it did not come until we had finished almost all our food.. arrgh.. heh heh.. then we had ice-cream afterwards and kelly fell in love with cookies and cream ice cream with bread crumbs.. hahha

we left Seoul Garden at about 1.30 and went to walk in Bugis Street for awhile.. i bought a brown tank top there.. after awhile we left to find a neoprint shop to take neoprints so that, according to kelly, when we feel lonely in our different new schools we can take out the neoprints and stare at them for company.. heehee.. but bugis dun have so we went to ochard cineleisure's.. i first time see the neoprint machine only accept jap money.. we didnt noe at first so when jingru couldnt get the one dollar coin to get into the machine i tried to help and ended up getting the coin so stuck in the hole that we couldnt take it out anymore... we had to say goodbye to the coin... *sniffs* it's ONE DOLLAR!! haha anyway we did manage to find another machine and take the pictures.. there was some problem with the printing so we had to wait for a very long time.. before the pictures came jingru had to go first.. sighs.. so kelly and i did the dividing of the pictures ourselves..

after jingru left kelly and i went back to bugis street to walk.. kelly was like, "Do you think we'll meet someone we know later?" and we really did.. haha.. it was such a shock and much much MUCH too coincidental.. we almost fainted... like, OMG.. seriously.. haha..

i reached home like 20 minutes late and got scolded by my mum but oh well, im HAPPY! haha:)

writtern @1:54 PM

ok i will start blogging from now on. i noe my previous blog has gone stale, rotted and attracted maggots and all that.. eww. yep. i will not let this new blog suffer the same fate.. haha

writtern @1:48 PM

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

new year, new blog!!:)

writtern @7:36 PM