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Many smiles a day keep the wrinkles away!:D

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

the last few days were a blast!!:D i was at the nus 3-day pharmacy camp and now i so totally wanna do pharmacy la!:D


met stef, qianyi and peizhen at buona vista mrt to take 95 to the nus science faculty.. saw alot of other fellow campers too.. after registration and awkward ice breaking games with our OG we went to the lecture theatre for some welcome talk by the HOD of pharacy dept... lots of ppl fell asleep.. haha! then had a lunch cum lecture on ACNE(?!?!?!?!? GROSSSS!!) and antibiotics, which half of the time no one really knew what the lecturer was talking abt, but nonetheless interesting.. haha!

so after lunch was lab work.. we walked damn far from the lecture hall to the lab building la! so we put on the disposable lab coats they gave us and started making the stuff we were required to make, which is a paediatric kaolin mixture for coughs and charcoal capsule. worked with fellow OG mates agnes and arthur the nonsense person and ended up laughing at stupid stuffs..:D lab session was damn fun!! especially mixing all the different stuff tgt to make a medicine.. how nobel a pharmacist is right?:D haha!

so anyway! after that we checked in at the older hostel and all of us had a room to ourselves.. i had a room that's at a super ulu scary place wth. and no one else i noe was staying near me.. so qianyi had to end up walking me back there everytime i wanted to go to my room..

then we had dinner and then nightgames, which was a pharmacy-based monopoly type of game, which my group came in secong last cos apparently we all thought "no strategy=the best strategy"!:D it didnt matter anyway.. cos wad mattered was that at the end of the nightgames everyone in the OG was pretty bonded..:D

had a bath after nightgames and went down with the rest to go cheers to buy chips and drinks and we all sat down and talked, laughed and exchange stories.. and we all went back to slp at like, 1plus.. i was so freaking scared in my room that night but i din noe why i was so stupid and turned off the lights to slp.. the fan was so noisy and freaky and it was so noisy outside cos there were vehicles driving past every now and then.. scared the daylights out of me.. i was like counting down to morning la! finally fell asleep at 3plus 4..


morning finally came.. we walked from the hostel to the LT which was so damn far also.. had gardenia for breakfast yuck. then had talks by personnels from different sectors in pharmacy.. then luch cum lecture again.. then lab!!:D

we were making injections and cream for lab.. our OG finished the fastest so while everyone else was still mixing the cream stuff in the mortar we were all camwhoring..:D haha! then went back early and had dinner and nightgames again..

nightgame was a detective kind of thing whereby u had to go play different games to get clues abt the murder case.. then act out hilariously what we think is the murder like.. damn tiring. but the OGLs actually said it wasnt, so we were like, "YOU BLUFF US!! *PANTS*" haha! anyway the games were fun and the skit put up by us was so freaking hilarious cos of arthur, collin and stacey.. omg couldnt stop laughing la! haha! the whole thing ended at 11plus and we had to walk back to the hostel cos there was no more shuttle bus back.. that day then i noe how freaking big NUS is.. the science fac alone is so damn huge liao la! haha!

so we went back to bathe and then walked like, 20min to the prata shop outside to have supper.. again, exchanging stories and all that.. i was so damn tired i almost fell asleep lor.. then went to 711 and stacey helped us buy beer... walked the freaking long journey back to hostel there and gathered for talk cock session and games.. we ended up playing "i neh(never)" and laughed so much at the forfeits carried out, of which one was mine..:X then played a mind-twisting number game, which i lost in the end and had to do a stupid forfeit also.. i had to wear everyone's watches and go over to other OGs to ask ppl what time it was while looking at my whole arm of watches.. haha! damn funny la! the group got it all down on video OMG. haha! we stayed till 4, then went to collin's room to talk cock somemore.. we all finally went back to our rooms at 4plus.. this time i was smarter and din off the lights liao.. at least i had some slp.. haha!


break camp
! breakfast was gardenia again.. then had prize giving and photo taking.. then went back with stef they all.. met laoiii at boonlay and had lunch together..:D he now at bbq again. and never give me chicken wing..:X

omg i going to peng already.. feel like slping so badly.. tmr still need go sch do noticeboard.. sian.. ya, and now waiting for laoii to call me so i can slp!!:D

writtern @8:34 PM

Thursday, December 10, 2009

so very tired.. very very tired...

writtern @8:35 PM

Sunday, December 6, 2009

ok, here's what happened the last few days:D


my aunt planned a sleepover for me and my sis, so we both met her at taka mcdonalds at 4.15 like that.. it took awhile for us to find the place cos honestly, we havent really been there before.. i noe, noob right?:X so anyway, my aunt just came out from her yoga class and she was starving so she brought us to the food place downstairs and bought royce' chocolates, bread papa cream puffs and chocolate fondants.absolutely fab OMG! especially the fondant la!!!!:D then we took the mrt to tanah merah and bus to her condo..

played with my 2 cousins for awhile before eating dinner.. dinner was beefballs and fries! and again the food was awesome:D i ate like, 10 beefballs and was so full i could hardly breathe, but like cousin elisa, no matter how full i was there will always be room for dessert!:D we all had ice cream-lemon sorbet, macademia and belgium chocolate!:D

after dinner and dessert we played wii with my cousins and uncle, and i lost consecutively to them in tennis, bowling, shooting, baseball and almost all the games.. i didnt noe where to hide my face after that.. haha! the only game i won was boxing, but that gave me a horribly aching arm and lots of sweat.. haha!:D and my other cousin elody who was like 2 years old was so cute.. there were 2 wii remotes and we let her hold the remote that wasnt on, so when we were playing bowling she held the remote and imitated us, and when anyone had a strike or spare she would think that it was her who did it and she will go like " YAYYYYYYYYYYYY! I WIN!!!! " haha! so cute right!:D and i tell you, she's one extremely hyper energy ball.. my aunt calls her "The Tornado" and told us "She don't noe how to walk, she only noe how to run.":D which is so totally true cos the whole time i was there, the only time i saw her staying still was when she was sleeping. even when she was eating or drinking her milk she'd be squirming and pointing to tarzan on the tv screen.( by the way, by the time i left my aunt's house i watched tarzan like 3 times cos elody was forever requesting for tarzan to be put on screen everytime she was eating.) and she has some problems pronunciating "doggy" so she says "goddy" instead:D haha! yeah anyway we finally went to sleep at 12plus at night..


friday was an equally awesome day.. my sis and i woke up at 10 plus.. the common bathroom ran out of toothpaste and we didnt bring our own so we had to borrow my cousins' kodomo grape flavoured toothpaste for that day..:X haha! had nutella on toast then my aunt, elisa, my sis and i went to bedok sheng shiong to buy some stuff for lunch(sushi) and the barbeque later on in the evening. it started pouring when we were about to leave so we took a cab back and picked up elody from her play school on the way back.. and when we reached back we made crabstick, egg and cucumber sushi for lunch! it was my sis and i's first ever attempt at making sushi and hence understandably, the sushi we made were quite ugly and looked highly unappetizing, but we ate it all anyway cos we were all so hungry already.. my aunt put in the twilight dvd for us to watch while eating and i now definitely want to start on the series already.. :D after lunch was ice cream again!:D

then played with my cousins and fetched my mum at 5 plus.. waited for my other cousins and my uncle to come so that we could start the bbq.. the bbq started officially only at like, 9.30 cos there was problems with the charcoal, we couldnt start the fire no matter how many firestarters we put.. it was only after my uncle ran to buy a new bag of charcoal did the fire finally start. i ate alot of sausages, satays and chicken wings!:D and i only drank like one plastic cup of wine and got slightly tipsy omg. i couldnt even find my comb which was just right in front of me when i went to bathe after that la!:X my cousins and i all took turns carrying elody around the area:D seems like she's one big celebrity:D

so anyway by the time i finished bathing the bbq was already over and we all went into the house to play wii and eat fondue:D this time my bowling skills were better and i had 2 strikes and a few spares!:D thanks to laoii's tip:D haha! and the fondue was great as well.. perfect dessert after a barbeque:D i played boxing again and had that moment of unglamness videoed down in my sis' hp and threatened to be put up on facebook:X my life will officially be over if that video is gonna be put up.. everybody was laughing at me when they watched the video la!:X my cousins went back at like 1plus and we slept at about 2.30am..:D


it was time to go home:( we woke up at like 9.30 and washed up, then my uncle sent us to the mrt station and we took the mrt home.. we didnt even get to say goodbye to elisa and elody before leaving cos they were still sleeping and we didnt want to wake them up.. i miss them already lor..): my aunt invited us to the christmas eve party at her house!:D so anyway i went home and slept for an hour after bathing and talking to laoii on the phone for one hour plus:D i totally missed m'boy when he was away on the cruise:(

yup that about sums up my whole 3 days:D i gave the standard chartered marathon volunteering a miss cos i figured i'd be too tired to stay up for 14 hours and wave flags, tho its gonna be fun, and i also didnt want to antagonize myself..:X yeah so i din go lor.. :D

eh laoii, wake up and talk to me leh, i need to go out already leh..:(

writtern @2:46 PM

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

baby's somewhere out there on a certain ocean.. laoiiii i misss youuuu..): counting down to the day he's finally coming back.. 2 more dayss!!:D

going to stay over at aunt's condo tmrw till saturday.. i so cannot wait!:D hope she cooks some nice french food:D and there's barbeque on friday whoohoo!!:D omg FUNFUNFUN!!:D

hols so far havent been much fun.. all i've been doing is clearing holiday hw and studying for next year's MSA.. crazy huh, but i suppose i wanna have a headstart for next year so i can hopefully cope preparing for A's.. heh!

the standard chartered marathon is finally coming- this sunday!!:D i so so cant wait!!! haha! and the pharmacy camp's on the 14th! oh i love december!:D

writtern @5:59 PM